Unschooling | Our Homeschooling Journey


Over the past year our homeschooling journey has been evolving and settling into a new rhythm.
New tides and growing waves have brought changes into our life and my way of thinking.


A precious new baby joining our family, and our decision to embark on a year long family camping adventure around mainland Australia were catalysts for needed change.


For several years our homeschooling life has been based on a loose but consistent Waldorf foundation and curriculum.


But as we adjusted our days to meet the changes occurring in our life I began to see our family’s needs being met in different ways.


Ways that are more natural, more flowing, and truly authentic.
The children’s learning has become more self led; instigated by their current interests and needs. And I have realised that letting go, really letting go; of false ideals and previously held misconceptions of how natural learning occurs, is the best and most exciting way forward for our family.


I have been reading a lot, and affirming my own realisations and thoughts.
On our homeschooling journey I now see that unschooling is where we are all happiest and the children are learning the most.


They are learning in their own ways; we do not need to tell them what to learn or coerce them, and I now trust with all my being that they will learn what they need to as they need to because they are self driven individuals whom know their own desires better than anyone else.


We will support and encourage their interests and learning in all ways that are within our means,


continuing this journey we began as a family nearly eight years ago with love and understanding.


I spoke to the children about unschooling before writing this, and we discussed how learning is not something that happens at school from the ages of five to seventeen; it is life long. And Anusha asked me, “What are you going to learn this year mummy?” It made me smile and feel so excited as I talked about what I want to learn this year,


And thought about how the children are sharing in and experiencing my, and Scott’s, love of learning.
What could be better than learning together as a family….


embracing each tide and every wave.

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